Introduction to the production of irregularly cut pasta

Irregularly Chopped – a new addition to the Polmak brand portfolio!

Irregularly Chopped – a new addition to the Polmak brand portfolio!

"This is not perfect pasta! It’s not perfectly even, it’s not perfectly straight. And that’s the point, because which grandmother or mother always chopped the dough perfectly evenly? These irregularities, differences in thickness are the essence of homemade, hand-made pasta, just like I remember from my family home!"

Dominik Polak, Vice President of the Board.

We are honored to introduce an innovative shape of our latest product to the Polish market. Irregularly Chopped Pasta, a pasta like no other, is a direct response to consumer needs. Created based on a traditional, four-egg recipe and made using patented cutting technology – the (im)perfect pasta!

The product was developed under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020
Action: 3.2 Support for the implementation of R&D results
Title: Implementation of innovative production technology ICN – Irregularly Cut Noodles

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